Towngate Framing - Materials
As a proud member of the Fine Art Trade Guild and always working to high standards of framing, many of the materials we use as standard are of archival standards ensuring that the greatest care is taken to use products that will help to keep your item safe for many years to come.

At Towngate Framing we carry over 750 different mouldings in stock so that we frame our clients work as quickly as they need it instead of waiting for suppliers to send the moulding through when they have it in stock. This has proved to be much more of a problem of recent times when the suppliers have been keeping their stocks to a minimum to aid cash flow.

We hold a wide range of mountboards sourced from different suppliers to give us the opportunity to offer the widest choice of colours for our Award Winning mount design services. We colour co-ordinate framing to suit interior designs and can hand finish frame mouldings to suit individual clients needs should there not be a moulding available from our extensive in house range or from our suppliers.

Towngate framing can supply a variety of UV blocking glass to protect valuable artwork, prints and embroideries and we are well versed in the different types of glass used for all types of framing including acrylic, toughened and laminated glass where safety is a concern or the framing is used in public places.

Polcore is a recycled polystyrene moulding alternative for wood and metal. The core of the moulding is made up of approximately 70% recycled polystyrene and 30% virgin polystyrene.
The recycled part of the moulding is made up from a variety of different sources the main two sources being that of the electronics industry and plastic packaging (mainly the food industry).
As the material that comprises a large part of the moulding is recycled the Polecore mouldings broadly conserves the use of the earth's natural raw materials by using those that have been recycled.
The manufacturing process is clean, as paints are not sprayed and they use decorative transfer films. All waste from the extruded products are then recycled to be used again.
Towngate Framing is able to help artwork tie in with your decor by staining and or liming mouldings to colours that will work with the colours you have. This has proven a very popular service for people that have unusual colour schemes or that would like to create something that is special and unique for the artwork. With a variety of moulding profiles and a range of colour stains and wax blocks available the colour choice for the moulding is really up to you. If you are not sure our GCF framer will happily discuss the options available for you. With Katie's proven track record in the national award, with multiple wins and multiple finals places you can be sure that the artwork will look at home in its frame at home on your wall.